Saturday, February 19, 2011

Weeks 5 and 6: Biblical worldview and Justice week

The last two weeks really went hand in hand. During the first, Colleen challenged us to tackle the major questions that shape our Worldview (such as "What is real?", "Can we know?", "What is the purpose for living?") from a Biblical perspective.
This led in to Justice week led by Christel. On Monday, we took part in different stations and skits that helped us experience some of the injustices in the world today, including; sex trafficking, child soldiers, the persecution of christians, the poor working conditions for children in sweat shops, and the lack of access to clean drinking water.
These guys, role-played terrorists, kidnapped us, threw us in the back of a van,  blindfolded and turned us into child soldiers. Some of us were forced to "kill" our fellow children. It was very real and quite frightening. To think of children as young as 3 or 4 years old having to go through this was heart-breaking.

Throughout the rest of the week, we learned about God's heart for justice, as well as some practical ways we can be getting involved. There are several organizations working hard at the various aspects of injustice all throughout the world, such as: 
*Project AK-47: (This one was started by a guy from the church I've been attending. He had some amazing stories about how God is working! He truly does stand up for the widows and orphans!)

On Friday, we went into Hollywood and did some flash-mob type things (everyone froze in a dramatic pose for 5 minutes on the walk of fame) to draw attention and raise awareness about the issue of sex-trafficking. As people stopped and asked questions, they were handed flyers with statistics and website URLs for more information on the subject and what can be done about it. As a member of the Media Track, I was able to film the people posing, the bystanders reactions as well as some interviews with people during and after the event. We will be working on putting together a video about this "Freeze Project". Stay tuned! :) 

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